Friday, January 16, 2015

Wedding Guest Book Round-Up

Happy Friday everyone!!!

I hope you are all as happy as I am!

Let's talk wedding guest books. There are so many ideas everywhere from traditional to the unique and so many in between.

At my wedding we used a custom photo book of our engagement shoot for everyone to sign which was great! Sometimes though I wonder if I should have went with a puzzle or thumb print tree, or any of the options below?

Either way all of these images below are fantastic ideas and would be an amazing keepsake for years to come! I found these while searching the net - I hope they give you brides to be some great ideas for your own guest books!

Mini-Envelopes to put your own personal note

Hang a key with a note

Super adorable! Make your mark with a balloon

Wedding date or name in photographs

Who doesn't love a game of Jenga

Your initials to display in your home

Another version of the mini envelopes

Puzzle piece cut outs in wood

A photo of you and your hubby where guests sign the back

Take a selfie

Write a wish on a stone

Thumb print tree

Add a thoughtful note with this vintage typewriter (I would have fun just using it)

If you could round up enough corks!
There are so many more ideas in and around the internet! Take a peak or hey make up something completely wild and unique to your partner! End of the day it is what will be more sentimental to you.

Have a fabulous Friday!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Keep on Craftin! Free Mini Classes from "Craftsy"

Hey lovelys,

I just got a tip on an amazing opportunity for those of you who love to craft/bake/sew!

AND even better its FREE. Yes. That is right and we all know everyone loves free!

Feel like learning how to paint flowers in acrylic? Or hand paint a cake? What about brushing up on those sewing skills?

Sew cool! (Ha, ha, ha I'm hilarious)
Happy crafting everyone!!

Lia Griffith has done it again!

Morning lovelys!!!

I absolutely love opening up my email to find links to fresh printables! If you do not know about her already, Lia Griffith is like the paper crafter extraordinaire!
Lia Griffith
Click on the picture to be taken to her site!


Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's go yo-yo

We're back! Woot! May as well be cheerful about it because we all knew back to work/school/life was coming... and its here!

Couple new things with me -

Reading/Creating my own Happiness Project for 2015

Started back up on the amazing (dreaded) Dr. Poon diet. Which for those of you who do not know it is comprised of lean protein and green veggies. No salt, sugar or fats. But I have to say I have a strong support group and great people to vent too on those tough sugar craving days!

Decided (well my friend Jen at work convinced me) to run a 5k in May. Ok, I say run but it most likely will be a mixture of the walk to run thing. I did purchase that Couch to 5k App from Google Play and I'm hoping that it will get me into running shape! I have till May right?

On the Lovely Blossoms front this weekend I was working on some cute barrettes and head piece with a grey/black herringbone fabric! Which brings me to the title of this post - Yo-Yo's!

Because those are what the flowers below are called! You wouldn't believe how easy, with a little help from a Kanzashi Flower Template these guys are to make.

Our client was thrilled with the end result! Too cute.

Talk to you shortly lovelys!